Allen Wirfs-Brock
2014-10-14 22:31:48 UTC
ES6 Draft 29,
This includes the major work items from the September TD39 meeting.
Changes include:
Removed loader pipeline and Reflect.Loader API (functionality being transfered to sperate specification)
Stream-lined module linking semantics for declarative modules.
Added Module request task
Removed Module declaration
Update Import declaration to include module imports.
Updated default export syntax and semantics to support export of anonymous default functions
Added Module Environment Records and indirect (import) bindings
Added Module evaluation jobs
Added Host hooks for module name normalization and source access.
Finished up ES6 eval function semantics
Eliminated unused abstract operations, PromiseAll, PromiseCatch, PromiseThen
Modified Promise.all so specification internally uses a List instead of an Array to accumulate result promises
Added @@iterator property to %IteratorPrototype%
Added requirement that the object returned by ordinary object [[Enumerate]] must inherit from %IteratorPrototype%
Removed own @@iterator properties from various standard iterators, they now inherit it from %IteratorPrototype%
Updated ToPropertyKey to accept Symbol wrapper objects, similar to how other primitive coercion abstract operations handle wrapper objects
ToNumber now recognizes binary and octal string numeric values.
Significant fix to destructuring assignment where the rest assignment target is itself a destructuring pattern
Changed ordinary object creation to dispatch object allocation through [[CreateAction]] internal slot instead of @@create method.
Converted all @@create methods into CreateAction abstract operations.
Eliminated Symbol.create and @@create.
super without an immediately following property specifier is now illegal in all MethodDefinition (no more implicit super using current method name)
super in a constructor call expression references the constructor?s [[Prototype]]
Function.prototype.toMethod no longer takes an optional name argument
Updated Annex A Grammars to match ES6
Resolved bugs: 3278-3273, 3271-3270, 3268, 3266, 3263-3262, 3260-3258, 3255-3254, 3252, 3247, 3245, 3243-3238, 3236-3231, 3228-3224, 3222-3221, 3218, 3216-3215, 3211-3207, 3204-3162, 3159-3151, 3149, 3144, 3132, 3130-3129, 3123, 3119, 3106, 3104, 3094, 3013, 2999, 2996, 2972, 2947, 2852, 2834, 2820-2819, 2812, 2792, 2726, 2684, 2683, 2524, 2341, 2302, 2039, 1788, 1608, 1595, 1111, 949, 921, 502, 164, 151
There may be an end to this tunnel...
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This includes the major work items from the September TD39 meeting.
Changes include:
Removed loader pipeline and Reflect.Loader API (functionality being transfered to sperate specification)
Stream-lined module linking semantics for declarative modules.
Added Module request task
Removed Module declaration
Update Import declaration to include module imports.
Updated default export syntax and semantics to support export of anonymous default functions
Added Module Environment Records and indirect (import) bindings
Added Module evaluation jobs
Added Host hooks for module name normalization and source access.
Finished up ES6 eval function semantics
Eliminated unused abstract operations, PromiseAll, PromiseCatch, PromiseThen
Modified Promise.all so specification internally uses a List instead of an Array to accumulate result promises
Added @@iterator property to %IteratorPrototype%
Added requirement that the object returned by ordinary object [[Enumerate]] must inherit from %IteratorPrototype%
Removed own @@iterator properties from various standard iterators, they now inherit it from %IteratorPrototype%
Updated ToPropertyKey to accept Symbol wrapper objects, similar to how other primitive coercion abstract operations handle wrapper objects
ToNumber now recognizes binary and octal string numeric values.
Significant fix to destructuring assignment where the rest assignment target is itself a destructuring pattern
Changed ordinary object creation to dispatch object allocation through [[CreateAction]] internal slot instead of @@create method.
Converted all @@create methods into CreateAction abstract operations.
Eliminated Symbol.create and @@create.
super without an immediately following property specifier is now illegal in all MethodDefinition (no more implicit super using current method name)
super in a constructor call expression references the constructor?s [[Prototype]]
Function.prototype.toMethod no longer takes an optional name argument
Updated Annex A Grammars to match ES6
Resolved bugs: 3278-3273, 3271-3270, 3268, 3266, 3263-3262, 3260-3258, 3255-3254, 3252, 3247, 3245, 3243-3238, 3236-3231, 3228-3224, 3222-3221, 3218, 3216-3215, 3211-3207, 3204-3162, 3159-3151, 3149, 3144, 3132, 3130-3129, 3123, 3119, 3106, 3104, 3094, 3013, 2999, 2996, 2972, 2947, 2852, 2834, 2820-2819, 2812, 2792, 2726, 2684, 2683, 2524, 2341, 2302, 2039, 1788, 1608, 1595, 1111, 949, 921, 502, 164, 151
There may be an end to this tunnel...
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