Dmitry Soshnikov
2014-10-01 18:50:39 UTC
(Maps are awesome!)
1. Transforming iteration methods
We're currently polyfillying the `Map`, and got some questions form devs.
One of them is about transforming iteration methods, like `map` and
Unfortunately I missed that part of the spec when it was approved, so can
someone please remind/clarify -- was it an intended decision not to hap
Map#map, Map#filter? I can see only Map#forEach in the spec. Are maps
"immutable"? -- That's fine, the `map` and `filter` return a new map.
2. Declarative syntax
The other thing to note: currently maps a lack of a nice declarative
syntax. This one came from the use-case for maps for dynamic (computed)
property names.
Previously, we had to allocate an empty object, and then, in the imperative
style, append needed props:
var requestData = {};
requestData[Names.ID] = id;
requestData[Names.EMAIL] = email;
requestData.needsReload = true;
new Request(...)
With computed properties of object initialisers it's much simpler and
new Request(...)
[Names.ID]: id,
[Names.EMAIL]: email,
needsReload: true,
Then thing is: if we'd like to use maps for such use-case, it brings us
back to that inconvenient imperative style of assignments (even worse,
since you have to repeat that `.set(...)` constantly):
var requestData = new Map();
requestData.set(Names.ID, id);
requestData.set(Names.EMAIL, email);
requestData.set('needsReload', id);
Yes, we provide the iterable option for the constructor, and it can be
rewritten as (and this can even be inlined):
var requestData = new Map([
[Names.ID, id],
[Names.EMAIL, email],
['needsReload', id]
However, obviously, it's too many arrays allocation for such a simple use
Will it make sense having a nice declarative syntax like:
new Map({
[Names.ID]: id,
[Names.EMAIL]: email,
needsReload: true,
It can even be done via a simple helper method that transforms this object
literal with computed props to the same iterable array of array, but this,
unfortunately, doesn't work with all cases like "objects as keys".
I don't have the exact idea yet of how such a syntax can look like, but it
seems would be nice to have.
(unless, the use-case is not for maps, and we should use simple objects
here as was shown above)
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(Maps are awesome!)
1. Transforming iteration methods
We're currently polyfillying the `Map`, and got some questions form devs.
One of them is about transforming iteration methods, like `map` and
Unfortunately I missed that part of the spec when it was approved, so can
someone please remind/clarify -- was it an intended decision not to hap
Map#map, Map#filter? I can see only Map#forEach in the spec. Are maps
"immutable"? -- That's fine, the `map` and `filter` return a new map.
2. Declarative syntax
The other thing to note: currently maps a lack of a nice declarative
syntax. This one came from the use-case for maps for dynamic (computed)
property names.
Previously, we had to allocate an empty object, and then, in the imperative
style, append needed props:
var requestData = {};
requestData[Names.ID] = id;
requestData[Names.EMAIL] = email;
requestData.needsReload = true;
new Request(...)
With computed properties of object initialisers it's much simpler and
new Request(...)
[Names.ID]: id,
[Names.EMAIL]: email,
needsReload: true,
Then thing is: if we'd like to use maps for such use-case, it brings us
back to that inconvenient imperative style of assignments (even worse,
since you have to repeat that `.set(...)` constantly):
var requestData = new Map();
requestData.set(Names.ID, id);
requestData.set(Names.EMAIL, email);
requestData.set('needsReload', id);
Yes, we provide the iterable option for the constructor, and it can be
rewritten as (and this can even be inlined):
var requestData = new Map([
[Names.ID, id],
[Names.EMAIL, email],
['needsReload', id]
However, obviously, it's too many arrays allocation for such a simple use
Will it make sense having a nice declarative syntax like:
new Map({
[Names.ID]: id,
[Names.EMAIL]: email,
needsReload: true,
It can even be done via a simple helper method that transforms this object
literal with computed props to the same iterable array of array, but this,
unfortunately, doesn't work with all cases like "objects as keys".
I don't have the exact idea yet of how such a syntax can look like, but it
seems would be nice to have.
(unless, the use-case is not for maps, and we should use simple objects
here as was shown above)
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